KaraTunes for iPhone

KaraTunes for iPhone has been discontinued. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

View lyrics of current song

View lyrics while your music is playing. KaraTunes automatically downloads lyrics for the currently playing song from the Internet, and saves them on your iPhone or iPod touch so you don't have to download them again.

View discography

Want to learn more about your favorite artists and their albums? You can view their discographies and get lyrics for each song.

Explore your music library

Pick a song you love from your music library to play it or view its lyrics.

Edit your lyrics

Not satisfied with your downloaded lyrics? Edit them and save changes on your iPhone or iPod touch.

Landscape mode

KaraTunes supports both portrait and landscape mode, so you can view your lyrics on a wider screen.

Control your music

You can play, pause, skip right from KaraTunes.

*Internet connection is required. Lyrics availability depends on the LyricWiki online database.

Have a Mac? Check out KaraTunes for Mac.